
The Bingel Laboratory

Translational Pain Research Unit

University Medicine Essen
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bingel

C-TNBS Transl. Neuro- & Bhv. Sciences
SFB TRR 289 Logo



New joint publication of TRPU out!

New publication in Nature Communications Biology shows that in the face of multiple threats, individuals preferentially learn, store, and remember interoceptive above exteroceptive danger signals (project is part of SFB1280). Open access, available here.


New group members!

Sarah will support our research group as a study nurse and Evgenij supports the PNI lab and all other neuroimaging groups as an IT specialist. Welcome, Sarah & Evgenij!


Another great success!

The Advanced Clinician Scientist program UMEA² (Chair: Prof. U. Bingel) has been recently granted by the BMBF. This program enables excellent medical specialists to focus on their research for up to six years each. Two of several highlights are the opportunity to establish an independent research group and the prospect of a W2-professorship (tenure track). Read more:


New publication in Nature Communications out!

Matthias and Tamás have published their study “Meta-analysis of neural systems underlying placebo analgesia from individual participant fMRI data”. Thanks to Tor Wager and the colleagues from the Placebo Imaging Consortium for this fantastic group effort! Open access, available via


Share your story!

Medicine also lives from narratives. That is why the SFB/TRR 289 is collecting the diverse experiences of patients with their own expectations. Share your store:

Scientific Reports Publication

New publication online!

Scientific Reports has recently published our research about the impact of Open-Label Placebos on test performance and well-being in acutely stressed students. Julian is corresponding author and happy to answer comments! Open access, available via

Screenshot of the SFB/TRR 289 website

SFB/TRR 289 website now online!

The Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio “Treatment Expectation” (SFB/TRR 289) has released its brand new website! So, have a look at


Great success: New SFB/TRR 289!

Ulrike is speaker of the new SFB/TRR 289. The German Research Foundation is setting up the new transregional Collaborative Research Center (SFB/TRR) “Treatment Expectation” under the direction of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE).

Bingel Lab Members

Tobias and Andreas have defended their theses!

Congratulations and well done!

NDR Logo

Contribution to NDR broadcasting

Ulrike and Julian contributed to the TV program “Visite” of the German Broadcasting channel “Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR)”.


The Bingel Laboratory

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Bingel

Clinical Neurosciences
University Hospital Essen
Department of Neurology

Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
Fon: +49 (0) 201 723 - 2446
Fax: +49 (0) 201 723 - 6882

Copyright 2021 - Bingel Laboratory