Welcome, three new lab members!

The Bingel Laboratory

Translational Pain Research Unit

University Medicine Essen
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bingel

C-TNBS Transl. Neuro- & Bhv. Sciences
SFB TRR 289 Logo

Welcome, three new lab members!

Date: 4th Jul 2023

We welcome a new student assistant, Aoibhne Braunewell (right in the picture) who studies medicine in the 7th semester. Furthermore, two medical students, Franziska Frysch and Johanna Gronen (left in the picture) , will join the lab in October 2023 to start working on their medical doctoral theses. We hope you enjoy your stay at the Bingellab!


The Bingel Laboratory

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Bingel

Clinical Neurosciences
University Hospital Essen
Department of Neurology

Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
Fon: +49 (0) 201 723 - 2446
Fax: +49 (0) 201 723 - 6882

Copyright 2021 - Bingel Laboratory